Monday, May 7, 2012

"BEAUTY" pageants for little girls?


They took away leggings to a mini skirt with a slit to it. Belly showing appears sexy.

 "MAKEOVER" for little girls', they probably now feel like the before was never good enough. They can only be beautiful in the second image?

They grow up with a falsehood of what beauty is.

Over masked with makeup and short revealing dresses might be what's acceptable because that is the NEW "after"

......... Not only deceiving values are forged to girls’ beliefs but continue to occur through their own parents that support their little girls’ fakeness. That support of fakeness can lead to much more harmful effects such as sexual object mentality that boys see. 

If boys grow up with seeing such things on girls. 
Harmful and unhealthy relationships form!
Girls not getting respect due to learned concepts boys grew up with seeing women as objects.
This is shown in the MEDIA. Marketers send those perceptions to young boys and inevitably excavate boys' to add more pressure to the falsehood media has shown regarding women. Little girls are becoming TOO SEXY TOO SOON! O.o
     Does this sound like our society?? Girls dressing up to please boys? 
Halloween costumes? 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Abercrombie having thongs for little girls!! really? 

Not only thongs, but PADDED bras? 
So now little girls have to worry about going through an insecure phase with their body before they even hit puberty. This is so sad. Any child should be more worried about what part of the playground they are going to play rather than self image :( 

What's next tanning for little girls too? 

The French magazine Cadeux Vogue uses little girls for advertising. In the picture it has a girl that appears to be 6 years old not any older than 10. Her outfit consists of a gold satin fitted dress with a front breast revealing slit, high heels bigger than 2 inches, and bold gold necklace.  Hair is in an up do, which makes her appear older. The girl is posing in a seductive way; she is on a bed with a cheetah print comforter and has two bunnies that surround her. The young natural girls’ face is over masked with makeup. Make up, expensive jewelry and high heels all symbolize a superficial concept to young girls. All children are beautiful. Little girls do not need to use make up to cover sleep bags, wrinkles, pimples, or uneven skin. The message that is sold here is that materialistic makes a “lady,” or in this case makes a “girl” beautiful.  Young girls are surrounded by unnatural beauty .They believe at an early age that makeup, revealing clothing and provocative poses are anticipated moments of much importance in their life. What are the values being sold for little girls?